She Comes First Ebook Download

She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman (Kerner series) by Ian Kerner. Read online, or download in secure EPUB format. Toggle navigation. She Comes First offers techniques and philosophy that have already earned raves from the likes of bestselling author. is a popular ebook retailer hosting over a.

She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasuring a Woman Pdf Ian Kerner delivers a revolutionary new doctrine for pleasuring girls in She Comes First–an important guidebook to oral intercourse in the author of Be Honest–You’re Not That Into Him Either. The New York Times praises Kerner’s”trendy sense of humor and an obsessive desire to tell,” because he”promotes guys through an act which many find mysterious.” A crucial aid into a healthier, more satisfying sex life for him and her, She Comes First provides philosophy and techniques which have earned raves from the likes of bestselling writer and Loveline co-host Dr. Drew Pinsky in addition to Playgirl magazine, that cheers,”Hallelujah!”

Kerner first explored”the oral caress” as a method of compensating for his”sexual inadequacies,” and quickly learned that women not only welcomed but often preferred”the way of their tongue,” reaching orgasm more frequently than during sex. Kerner educates readers about the penis,”the power of enjoyment,” with 18 components and 8,000 nerve endings (twice as many as the penis) and clarifies female sexual reaction from”foreplay” via”coreplay” into”moreplay.” A huge area of the publication is a picture, comprehensive primer on”mouth music,” including best rankings, step-by-step methods (illustrated), and also hints for tongue and hands. Until the girl has an orgasm or most, says Kerner, and”melts before your eyes” “The great majority of women complain about men who do not like to take action, do not understand how to do it, or just don’t do it nearly enough,” writes Kerner. This book can change this. Ladies: Buy it to your spouse! –Joan Price.

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Author:Ian Kerner [Kerner, Ian]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2011-01-12T07:00:00+00:00

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Let's Review

Don't settle for anything less than total comfort and total access.

In this chapter we discussed the importance of getting off to a good You'll know you're both in the right position when she's able to start by being in the right position. Make sure you're comfortable and comfortably look down the length of her body and watch you work, relaxed. Avoid novelty positions that restrict the use of your hands and you're able to look up, without breaking the flow of action, and and fingers and might also cut off the flow of blood to her pelvic make eye contact with her.

area or inhibit the process of sexual response. Find positions that When it comes to cunnilingus and body position, remember that enable you to optimally exploit your respective roles of giver and form follows function. Keep your mind focused on providing her receiver.

She Comes First Ebook Download Pdf

with pleasure, and the body will naturally follow your lead.

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She Comes First by Ian Kerner.epub

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