Title: Game of Thrones Season 5 subtitles Release Date: April 12 2015 - June 14 2015 Description: 'In Meereen, the Sons of the Harpy have begun to rebel against Daenerys Targaryen's administration. To recover peace and control, Daenerys agrees to the demand of re-opening the battling pits while taking Hizdahr zo Loraq as her significant other. Critic Consensus: Bloody action and extreme power plays return full throttle, as Game of Thrones enjoys a new-found liberation from the world of the source.
In the Season 5 premiere, Varys struggles to convince Tyrion to think outside the box while discussing a potential occupant of the Iron Throne. Meanwhile, Stannis leans on Jon to secure loyalty from a rival; Daenerys ignores tradition to remain on her progressive path; and Cersei and Jaime try to move on from Tywin's demise.
MoreArya arrives in Braavos; Brienne and Podrick find danger while traveling; Cersei worries about Myrcella in Dorne when Ellaria Sand seeks revenge for Oberyn's death; Jon is tempted by Stannis.
MoreCersei meets the High Sparrow after learning of a clergyman's embarrassing tale. Meanwhile, Davos talks to Jon about the future of Winterfell, where Ramsay Snow has just learned the identity of his future bride; Arya grows impatient doing menial tasks in the House of Black and White; and Tyrion searches for more comfortable surroundings on a long trip with Varys.
MoreJaime and Bronn sneak into Dorne by sea, but their arrival isn't the secret they'd hoped it would be. Meanwhile, Sansa discusses her future with Littlefinger; Jon is tempted by Melisandre; and Tyrion has a new traveling companion on his way to Meereen.
MoreJon finds an unexpected ally outside the Night's Watch, but his own men strongly disapprove of his next move. Meanwhile, Brienne tries to let Sansa know she's not alone; Daenerys faces a tough decision after losing a trusted adviser; Ramsay maintains his control over Theon; and Jorah and Tyrion have a terrifying encounter on the water.
MoreThe Sand Snakes attack when their prey practically lands in their laps. Meanwhile, Arya continues her training in Braavos; Trystane and Myrcella discuss their future; Jorah and Tyrion have a run-in with slavers; and Littlefinger meets with Cersei to declare his loyalty to the throne.
MoreSansa reaches out to Theon; Jon senses conflict is near; Brienne patiently waits for a sign; Stannis' stubborn streak prevails; Jaime tries to reconnect with family.
MoreJon pleads his case to form a new alliance north of the Wall that is immediately put to the test. Meanwhile, Arya makes progress in her training; Sansa learns surprising news about her family; and Daenerys and Tyrion find they have something in common.
MoreJon returns to the Wall with the surviving wildlings, though most of his men aren't too happy to see him—or them. Meanwhile, Arya runs into someone from her past when Mace Tyrell arrives in Braavos to visit the Iron Bank; Stannis faces a difficult decision after a surprise attack; and Daenerys oversees a resumption of an ancient tradition.
MoreStannis is on the march in the Season 5 finale. Meanwhile, Cersei seeks forgiveness; Jon faces a new challenge; Arya plots to cross a name off her list; Tyrion sees a familiar face; and Daenerys finds herself surrounded by strangers.
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